About Cynthia

Cynthia Myers -Morrison, EdD
Wholehearted Commitment
I Get Your Struggle
I have spent years suffering from addictions and maladaptive behaviors, while seeking solutions and educating myself in order to fix what I thought was wrong with me. I was a Marriage & Family Therapist. I have a doctorate in education, 3 Masters Degrees and decades of experience teaching kindergartners through adults.
I have studied with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, IIN; ACORN, ACORN Food Dependency Recovery Services; the Florida School of Addiction Studies; INFACT, the International School for Food Addiction, Counseling, and Treatment; and SUGAR, Sugar Use General Assessment Recording (a structured evaluation instrument built on ICD-10/International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems from WHO) criteria for alcohol and drug addiction and is adapted for pathological use of sugar/flour/food.
I am on the Board of Food Addiction Institute and have nearly five decades of research with 24 years of freedom from grain and sugar.
I am now dedicated to sharing what I've learned to help you gain freedom from food addiction through abstinence from trigger foods.
Cynthia Myers-Morrison brings a history as a therapist in private practice with 24 years of abstinence from grains and sugars after decades of freedom from alcohol and drugs. She holds a Doctorate in Education and 3 Masters Degrees. Cynthia has spent years in deep study with experts in all kinds of addictions. Her current certifications focus on food/sugar/grain addictions/brain chemistry and long-term recovery. She is particularly interested in the means to assist people suffering from PCOS and fertility issues as well as those who are willing to prepare for conception to achieve optimal weight and well being 5 months prior to conception.
In addition to being a Food Addiction Professional, Myers-Morrison is an author of THE FIX for cravings and WE EAT RAINBOWS with colleagues, a Genogram Practitioner, and an enthusiastic and highly sought speaker on various subject matters, including her personal experience with her own recovery and educating others on how to overcome the pain of addiction and to gain freedom from cravings to live blissful and purposeful lives.​
​Board Member, Food Addiction Institute (FAI), Webinar Chair & Research Committee
Food Addiction Professional (ACORN Food Dependency & Recovery Services), USA
Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP™), International School For Food Addiction Counseling And Treatment ( INFACT™), Iceland and European Certified
SUGAR® Certified & Licensed (Sugar Use General Assessment Recording)